Assesments and opinion


Technical and evaluation assistance in:

  • appraisals required by law (sworn and not) with reference to: withdrawal value, contributions, revaluation of company shareholdings, issue price for share capital increases;
  • valuations, fairness opinions and appraisals of companies, tangible and intangible assets (trademarks, etc.);
  • independent opinions and determination of values ​​on the occasion of extraordinary financing transactions (acquisitions, mergers and more).

< Corporate, tax, accounting area

Technical and evaluation assistance in:

  • appraisals required by law (sworn and not) with reference to: withdrawal value, contributions, revaluation of company shareholdings, issue price for share capital increases;
  • valuations, fairness opinions and appraisals of companies, tangible and intangible assets (trademarks, etc.);
  • independent opinions and determination of values ​​on the occasion of extraordinary financing transactions (acquisitions, mergers and more).

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