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The Abps law firm in Milan (as well as in Parma and Viadana) provides advice on labor law, judicial and extrajudicial assistance, for all production sectors, according to the specific interests and business strategies of the individual client.

Continuous advice and assistance

The Firm offers its clients consultancy and ongoing assistance in both the field of labor law and the management of human resources and relations with personnel as well as in disputes related to labor law.

Our team of professionals in the field of labor law is always available to the customer for the necessary practices of:

  • day-by-day consultancy for the formalization, management and termination of the subordinate employment relationship, autonomous or managerial, or autonomous (including relationships with the administration office)
  • immediate solutions for all customer problems, including the litigation phase.

Due diligence and consultancy on M&A operations

In the context of labor law consultancy, Abps assists all companies also for aspects regarding labor law nature (due diligence; management of redundancies; recourse to social safety nets) relating to M&A operations, acquisition, restructuring and corporate reorganization, company transfer, layoffs collective, as well as in relation to all issues of choice and interpretation of the relevant national collective bargaining agreement.

We also offer advice and assistance in drafting agreements and disputes relating to individual employment contracts and related to ancillary clauses (non-competition; exclusivity; secrecy).

The joint action with the Labor Consultancy Area allows us to offer our customers effective, complete and integrated assistance.

Continuous advice and assistance

The Firm offers its clients consultancy and ongoing assistance in both the field of labor law and the management of human resources and relations with personnel as well as in disputes related to labor law.

Our team of professionals in the field of labor law is always available to the customer for the necessary practices of:

  • day-by-day consultancy for the formalization, management and termination of the subordinate employment relationship, autonomous or managerial, or autonomous (including relationships with the administration office)
  • immediate solutions for all customer problems, including the litigation phase.

Due diligence and consultancy on M&A operations

In the context of labor law consultancy, Abps assists all companies also for aspects regarding labor law nature (due diligence; management of redundancies; recourse to social safety nets) relating to M&A operations, acquisition, restructuring and corporate reorganization, company transfer, layoffs collective, as well as in relation to all issues of choice and interpretation of the relevant national collective bargaining agreement.

We also offer advice and assistance in drafting agreements and disputes relating to individual employment contracts and related to ancillary clauses (non-competition; exclusivity; secrecy).

The joint action with the Labor Consultancy Area allows us to offer our customers effective, complete and integrated assistance.

< Legal area



The Abps law firm in Milan (as well as in Parma and Viadana) provides advice on labor law, judicial and extrajudicial assistance, for all production sectors, according to the specific interests and business strategies of the individual client.

Continuous advice and assistance

The Firm offers its clients consultancy and ongoing assistance in both the field of labor law and the management of human resources and relations with personnel as well as in disputes related to labor law.

Our team of professionals in the field of labor law is always available to the customer for the necessary practices of:

  • day-by-day consultancy for the formalization, management and termination of the subordinate employment relationship, autonomous or managerial, or autonomous (including relationships with the administration office)
  • immediate solutions for all customer problems, including the litigation phase.

Due diligence and consultancy on M&A operations

In the context of labor law consultancy, Abps assists all companies also for aspects regarding labor law nature (due diligence; management of redundancies; recourse to social safety nets) relating to M&A operations, acquisition, restructuring and corporate reorganization, company transfer, layoffs collective, as well as in relation to all issues of choice and interpretation of the relevant national collective bargaining agreement.

We also offer advice and assistance in drafting agreements and disputes relating to individual employment contracts and related to ancillary clauses (non-competition; exclusivity; secrecy).

The joint action with the Labor Consultancy Area allows us to offer our customers effective, complete and integrated assistance.

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